Guide for E-Commerce Website Design for Indian #eCommerce Startups
India’s eCommerce industry has open up big new markets for many businesses. The new online platform allow your store to be open 24X7 and you can reach to customer across the globe without any geographical limitation without investment any big cost. But there are many things to consider when designing an ecommerce website. To attract, convince and build trust for online customer customer a streatical eCommerce shopping cart website and with strong back office software are requires with few of following mandatory consideration.
There are few issues that eCommerce startups make every day, which can be avoided with a little careful planning. If you’re already committing some of these issues, most of them are easy enough to fix. Below are few of the most common issues that an e-commerce sites need to consider, Take the few tips from our leading eCommerce Consultant –
- Product information : Shopping online removes the consumer pre-sales communication with retailer, and he having lots of questions about the products detail. Ecommerce sites need to be best to provide detail information about product, multiple images, technical information, usability information in professional way to improve the in-store shopping experience. Count every product on your website in very serious way, your website may take load of infinite product but customers always run out of time so prepare handpicked customer friendly product catalog.
- Contact information : Online customer want to know the detail about real company when they hand over their personal and credit card information. The online consumer always has doubt about if any problem happen then they will be able to talk to a real person and get the rapid consumer friendly solution. Your site should provide detail contact information, various communication medium with rapid response team. If you hides the contact information or can’t find the contact detail easily, they’re less likely to trust your site. Put your contact information an easy-to-find manner on every page of your website.
- Long Checkout Process : The long or confusing checkout process is one of the most damaging issue of an ecommerce site. The eCommerce site need to make the checkout process as easy as possible according to your consumer demography as described in your initial business planning and demography research. The ideal checkout process includes a single page with robust real time server interaction programming and able to handle any kind of customer browser, device, internet speed or server failure issue. In India, it require to transfer the customer checkout data in real time manner instead waiting to get the checkout form complete, it helps to capture the large number drop checkout orders.
- Professional Site Search Engine : If a customer has pre-decide the shopping list or product, then he will opt to use a search engine instead of navigating to category menu and filter. The eCommerce website should make robust, precise and user friendly search engine system for the site, the site search engine system should deliver precise result without adding irelavant products in the search list.
- Product Images : The product images are only virtual representation of product which replace the physical appearance of product, the products you’re selling, consumer needs to see the images of particular product in detail before placing the order. To make the product viewing experience in professional way, the site should place high resolution images in optimized way on website. The improvement of image quality can not allow the site owner to increase the image loading time, as the proportion of image size should be in require scale only. The site should have multiple angled imaged with strong zooming feature which can even facilitate an average monitor pixel setting.
- Include Related Products : It is require to group similar products together, or showcase related product with particular product in best practise way so the customer assume more option of product based on his requirement. The excellent and experienced design of related products or similar products module can increase add-on sales to any eCommerce business very easily.
The tips are gathered based on frequently monitored issues on new startups website in India by our expert eCommerce consultants and dedicated research department, working for goal to make Indian eCommerce businesses as the world’s best eCommerce operated businesses.