Ecommerce Reports
Won “eCommerce Innovation 2017” Award
With record record number of high-quality innovative eCommerce projects, Chitrangana.com won 2017's eCommerce Innovation Award at Barcelona in 7th annual European E-commerce Awards. The award organised by European eCommerce Association at Barcelona city. 270+ eCommerce consultancy companies selected from across world for the award process by central award commite, and the nomiation was announced on 25th Nov 2017 at Brussels.Chitrangana.com receive the ...
Indian consumer durable sales expected to grow $12.5 billion in Fy 2016
Consumer durable sales for offline and online retail is moving with significant growth. The consumer durable sales recorded $9.7B in FY 2015 and recent IBEF research expected the growth of e-commerce and offline consumer durable revenue to be jumped $12.5B in FY 2016. The consumer durable market supposed to grown by 13% CAGR from FY 2005 to FY 2020.Another research found SAMSUNG Electronics is leading the consumer durable market in current FY 2015.eCommerce Consultant at Chitrangana said the rural demand ...
Online Demand of Grocery Started Reviving Positively in India – Chitrangana.com Survey
The growing awareness of online shopping has started getting the place in consumers daily life. The result of same has begun adding the positive number for online grocery stores.A short survey conducted by the senior eCommerce consultant of Chitrangana.com in Jan 2016 and May 2016 has reflected big positive growth in online ordering of grocery and daily life ...
Why eCommerce Startup Will Grow From 2017 – Reason 1
eCommerce giants has started struggling, Opportunity for small scale eCommerce startups. This is a time to bring specialise stores with personal attention to every customer. Big player are facing problem with funds, infrastructure and profit pressure. The eCommerce awareness is well established and growing in double digit every year so It's grand opportunity for small to mid level eCommerce Startups E-commerce in India has started a decline cycle for large projects from July 2015,it's time for eCommerce Startups. The growth ...
Research : Urban Outfitters is Best-in-Class eCommerce Site
To make the e-commerce's customer experience more smooth and easy, Chitrangana.com did experience testing of 24 fashion e-commerce sites and covering benchmarking 50 major e-commerce sites on desktop/mobile experience performance and lastly found the UrbanOutfitters hold the best user experience, we gathered that: on March 18, 2016, the e-commerce homepage and category design of www.UrbanOutfitters.com follow best in 61 usability guidelines, infringed 11, and scored best on 4.
eCommerce 2016 Growth Data and Report
#eCommerce in India will bound 27% growth in Fy 2016; the growth will begin after Oct 2016 - #research #news. The Chitrangana.com research and statistical collection department predicted 27% year on year growth for Indian online retail business. The boost can be mainly lead by B2C retail under fashion, home furnishing and general home category. The business for cosmetic and personal care may rise by 37%, the business in baby & kids category estimated to be decline by 1%-2% ...
Social Media Can Rise Your E-commerce Sales !
Open any smartphone, go to facebook or twitter and you will observe the person is following his preferred Internet retail brands. Chitrangana.com's research team found 72% of customer do follow their favorite e-commerce store, or they follow e-commerce store from they are planning to buy something. In India, 84% online retail store use two or more social media channels, but only 3 out of 10 online e-commerce store is seriously managing the social media presence, to generate sales and ...