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India’s eCommerce furniture sales jump by 32% in 2017-2018
The willingness of Indian customer to buy furniture online has grown significantly in 2017. Now more than one in six Indian eCommerce buyers prefer shopping furniture online. The survey data reported 32 percent jump in online furniture sales in Q3 for 2017-2018. Customer prefers buying online stuff like sofa, chairs, wardrobe, beds and tables.This statistic can be found in the report prepared by research and statistical department of Chitrangana.com, a new study published by India's Leading eCommerce Consultancy, Chitrangana.com. The ...
Won “eCommerce Innovation 2017” Award
With record record number of high-quality innovative eCommerce projects, Chitrangana.com won 2017's eCommerce Innovation Award at Barcelona in 7th annual European E-commerce Awards. The award organised by European eCommerce Association at Barcelona city. 270+ eCommerce consultancy companies selected from across world for the award process by central award commite, and the nomiation was announced on 25th Nov 2017 at Brussels.Chitrangana.com receive the ...
Excellent meeting Mr. A L Rajwani (Managing Director of P&G) on social-business innovation
Team Chitrangana, had excellent meeting with Mr. A L Rajwani (Managing Director of P&G) and P&G global team at Madhya Pradesh Global Investor Summit for an innovative social to business association. The business concept will soon bring a great significance solution in Indian social security. The meet was lead by our senior consultant Mr. Nitin Lodha.
Awarded “GOLD Category – eCommerce” by International Quality Summit Award.
Pleasure to share, selection of "Chitrangana" by 31st International quality summit award (IQS), New York under GOLD category - eCommerce. The award ceremony organised on 28th-29th May 2017 in New York, USA. The 31st International quality summit award organised by International Quality Convention and Imarpress Group. The award chaired by Jose E. Prieto (President and CEO, BID and BID Group One) and Dayle L. Fickling (Chief Editor of IMARPRESS).
Govt Announce National Award for e-Commerce Marketing of Handloom Products
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India invited application for National Award for e-Commerce marketing excellence for handloom products for the year 2015. The procedure invited all Indian companies having 3 years of experience and deliver excellent projects to promote handloom products over eCommerce in India. The last day for submission is 18th July 2016. The department will award to one National Award and two National Merit Certificates.Detail can be found at www.handlooms.nic.in
Indian consumer durable sales expected to grow $12.5 billion in Fy 2016
Consumer durable sales for offline and online retail is moving with significant growth. The consumer durable sales recorded $9.7B in FY 2015 and recent IBEF research expected the growth of e-commerce and offline consumer durable revenue to be jumped $12.5B in FY 2016. The consumer durable market supposed to grown by 13% CAGR from FY 2005 to FY 2020.Another research found SAMSUNG Electronics is leading the consumer durable market in current FY 2015.eCommerce Consultant at Chitrangana said the rural demand ...
eCommerce Workshop by NIESBUD, Govt. of India – 16th Jul 2016
An 2 days eCommerce workshop organised by The National Institute for Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development (NIESBUD) (Under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India) on 16th July 2016 and 17th Jul7 2016 at Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. The workshop will be lead various eCommerce subjects including "Online Marketing & Entrepreneurship"
Guidelines For Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) In eCommerce
FDI under automatic route is permitted in marketplace model of e-commerce. FDI is not permitted in inventory based model of e-commerce. Guidelines for foreign direct investment (GDI) in eCommerce Released by Govt. of India on on 21.03.2016
India’s e-Commerce Set for Massive Boom, Post Oct 2016 ! – eCommerce Consulting Group
The B2C retail market in India is set for an e-commerce boom that could be sustained until 2019, a leading e-commerce consultancy - Chitrangana is predicting. Chitrangana says a study of more than 250 online stores and 14 product categories revealed the e-commerce market in India is starting to buck the trend and shift away from a depressed economy. Its findings suggest 2016, especially from September onwards, will be the year of the small to medium-sized business. The survey’s findings ...
Online Demand of Grocery Started Reviving Positively in India – Chitrangana.com Survey
The growing awareness of online shopping has started getting the place in consumers daily life. The result of same has begun adding the positive number for online grocery stores.A short survey conducted by the senior eCommerce consultant of Chitrangana.com in Jan 2016 and May 2016 has reflected big positive growth in online ordering of grocery and daily life ...